This SSC Subcommittee is focused on clinical syndromes of thrombosis and hemostasis related to women at various stages and/or associated with normal or complicated pregnancy or postpartum period. This SSC also focuses on the laboratory parameters of coagulation and fibrinolysis that are influenced by hormones which may vary in adolescent girls and pregnancy. This SSC incorporates hematologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, laboratory scientists, and epidemiologists.
If you are interested in the subcommittee and want to follow its activity, please click "join group" above to sign up as a member (follower).
- To address issues of practical importance to the research community in the field.
- To evaluate existing data, determine issues for which data is missing or deficient, identify areas of controversy or pressing clinical need and discuss methodologic approaches to answer questions raised.
- To create international collaborations for the purpose of planning and executing projects related to the defined needs in the field.
- To suggest or organize collaborative studies as a result of these activities.
- To generate, publish and distribute communications, recommendations and other documents concerning the above.
- To develop laboratory standards, methods, and nomenclature if appropriate.
If you are a member of the Society and would like to know how to participate in the work of this group, please join the group to receive updates on activity or submit an Expression of Interest Form to the Chairman or any of the Co-Chairmen. We would be pleased to learn of your interest.
- Chair - Robert Sidonio Jr.
- Co-chair - Cristina Belizna
- Co-chair - Offer Erez
- Co-chair - Angela Weyand
- Co-chair - Nadine Shehata
- Co-chair - Soledad Molnar
- Co-chair - Munira Borhany
- Co-chair - Marc Blondon
- Co-chair - Amihai Rottenstreich
Official Communications