
Prof. Dr. Ton Lisman

University Medical Center Groningen UMCG

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University Medical Center Groningen UMCG

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I am trained as a biochemist at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. At the same University, at the Department of Hematology at the University Medical Center, I obtained my PhD on studies on the mode of action of recombinant coagulation factor VIIa. After a period of research as an assistant professor in the same group, I moved to the University Medical Center in Groningen, The Netherlands to start a group within the department of Surgery. I very much enjoy interaction with clinical partners and have established long-term collaborations with clinical researchers in various institutions in Europe and North America. 

My current research focuses on clinical and fundamental research on bleeding and thrombosis in patients with liver diseases. 

In the past decade, through a combination of careful analysis of the clinical phenotype of these patients and in-depth laboratory analyses, my group has been able to redefine the clinical consequences of hemostatic changes associated with liver diseases. In particular, we demonstrated that patients with chronic and acute liver diseases are in a hemostatic ‘rebalance’ due to a concomitant decline in pro- and antihemostatic forces (summarized in Blood 2010;116(6):878-85). These novel insights have had profound consequences for clinical management, and have led to world-wide changes in the approach to treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with liver diseases as evidenced by changes in clinical guidance documents to which I have contributed (J Hepatol. 2022;76(5):1151-1184, Hepatology. 2021;73(1):366-413, J Thromb Haemost. 2022;20(1):39-47)

I also run a more fundamental research line aimed at elucidating molecular mechanisms behind the roles of platelets and fibrin in liver injury and repair. My group has provided evidence that platelets and fibrin support liver regeneration in rodents and humans (Blood. 2016;128(5):625-9, Blood. 2019;133(11):1245-1256), and have identified connections between platelets and fibrin is mediating liver injury and repair.

In addition to my work on the intersection between hematology and hepatology, I am interested in the role of the fibrinolytic system in thrombotic disease, hemostatic changes in patients with renal insufficiency, and the mode of action of hemostatic drugs including recombinant factor VIIa, aprotinin, and tranexamic acid.

From 2024 onwards, I will be co-Editor-in-Chief of JTH. I am chair of the SSC subcommittee on Hemostatic Management of Patients with Liver Diseases.

My publications:

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